My Skincare Routine with Kate Mac

Skincare routines – the do’s, don’ts and keeping it simple!


Skincare – it’s one topic that sends you down a complete rabbit hole of confusion, information and let’s face it – bankruptcy if you’re not careful! The products, treatments and routines that are out there are endless and finding the perfect one for you seems completely impossible sometimes. Truth is, your skin is much like exercise – if you do the same thing over and over your body will hit a plateau and you’ll see no change. The same will happen with your skin, it adapts to your products, and you do need to keep switching it up a little or add in a treatment or challenge from time to time to continue progress. My number one rule when it comes to skincare is listening to the experts and having a consult before splashing out on things that have incredible marketing. I’ll admit… in the past I’ve been a sucker for an Instagram before and after shot but I’ve learned from my mistakes! (sort of…)


When I was a teenager I had horrible acne, were talking cystic acne and I remember never going to social functions with boys during the day because I couldn’t hide my face and if I did go out at night, I stayed outside with my back to the light so my face couldn’t be seen properly. Looking back, it was really sad how I perceived myself but in a way I’m almost grateful for that experience because I do sympathise greatly with people who struggle with aesthetic insecurities. It’s not vain to want nice skin, I do think people can go way too far with it but it can make a big change to your confidence if you conquer your acne or your pigmentation, fine lines or whatever it is that gets to you. I ended up on a strong drug known as Roaccutane in year 12 which has many mixed reviews but back then it was the only option I had. It did clear my skin up and after struggling with it through all my high school years it really changed my confidence heading into uni but I would try everything else before heading down that road. An insecurity like that doesn’t go away – to this day I still get self-conscious about my skin but it’s more to do with aging and sleep deprivation these days haha.


Fast forward to now – I’m 35, pregnant, I have a toddler and a new breakfast radio job Monday to Friday so let’s just say I’m not exactly hitting the recommended sleep quota at the moment and also facing many different types of skin challenges! Being a new mum and dealing with pregnancy hormones I thought would cause complete skin destruction but if there’s anything I do for myself it’s sticking to a solid skin routine, and I think it’s really helped disguise the reality of my situation haha.


Let it be known that I am no skin expert, but I love reading into it all, I’ve tried a lot and been lucky enough to partner up with some skin care labs and salons over the years that have helped me understand what all these serums and lotions and potions do but even the simplest of skin routines can make a big difference. So, here’s my routine, a couple of little secrets and the rules I abide by.


Most of the products I use you can get from Mecca so ask the girls in-store for more info and if they think it’s right for you.


  1. Never skip a cleanser – wash your face, especially at the end of the day and if you have been wearing make-up. I wash mine twice, once to remove makeup and the second to clear the pores. I use Clarins velvet cleansing milk (available at mecca) which is really gentle on my skin (which can be quite dry) and a simple Sukin revitalising facial scrub twice a week when I need to exfoliate. For those with oily skin – find one that says oil free.                                                                                                                                My Skincare Routine with Kate Mac
  2. Serums – this is where we combat the signs of aging! Being pregnant I’ve had to stop using my retinols but there are some great products out there that are still safe to use when pregnant. The Clarins Double Serum (Hydric & Lipidic System) is liquid gold for the face! (Also available from mecca) My cousin who is a skincare freak got me onto this and after using it for 6 months now the reduction of fine lines around my eyes is really noticeable. The eye cream I use is by Cosmedix – it’s called Opti Crystal liquid crystal serum and it looks like you are painting disco balls under your eyes when you put it on! Haha it’s the best one you can get when pregnant in my opinion, but when I’m not I definitely opt for an eye cream with retinol in it. If my skin is feeling extra dry one day, I’ll use the PCA Skin Hyaluronic acid boosting serum for an extra kick in place of the Double Serum. Hyaluronic Acid is a big one for fighting the signs of aging. It penetrates deep into the skin and helps to store moisture in the connective tissue which makes the skin plumper and firmer! It’s a must if fine lines are your enemy at the moment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          My Skincare Routine with Kate Mac
  3. Moisturize Day and Night – This is a big one for me – I don’t leave the house or go to bed without lathering on the moisture, but it doesn’t need to be outrageously expensive! Honestly, I think your money is better spent on really good serums. When it comes to moisturizers focus on one night & one day one and use a trusted brand that doesn’t have to break the bank. I used to use Sukin which did the trick but now I’m pregnant I’ve stepped it up with Clarins Multi-Active Nuit and Multi-Active Jour (Day & Night)                                                                      My Skincare Routine with Kate Mac                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  4. Sunscreen – THIS IS A NON-NEGOTIABLE! The sun is the biggest culprit when it comes to aging (wish I had paid more attention to this growing up!!) We all know this so no need to say more but a daily SPF 50+ is key everyday. I used to use Mecca’s Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB defence skin perfecting sunscreen which is brilliant but now I’m pregnant I love using Mother SPF which was created by a local girl here in Perth. Only 9 ingredients all sustainably sourced and certified organic ingredients and no nasties or toxins. I use this one all over my body and even on my little girl. I can’t find a purer and more natural sunscreen, it’s amazing.                                                                                   My Skincare Routine with Kate Mac
  5. Sleeping Mask – my secret ingredient! Ok if hydration is key for you – look no further. I bought the watermelon glow sleeping mask by Glow Recipe (also from Mecca) and it is a game changer. A. It smells delicious, B. It’s just a gel you put on over your night moisturiser C. Even the pillowcase can’t soak this one off! I wake every morning with my skin feeling like I just put on moisturizer – I love it, just don’t forget to wash it off in the morning!                                                                                                                          My Skincare Routine with Kate Mac
  6. Don’t forget your body! My last point is to not forget about the rest of your body. I’ll be honest – Being winter and a bit colder I often miss this step – I still lather it on a couple of times a week but when it’s chilly, I’m tired and I just want to hop into bed the rest of my body doesn’t get the daily treatment all the time! Any QV body moisturizer is perfect and safe for all skin types and it’s what I’ve used for a long time but since becoming the CQ Style Fit ambassador I was introduced to the Athletica range at Mecca and have restoked twice since! I use the body wash and the moisturizer and what it says on the bottle is true! After 6 weeks my skin was definitely tighter! In fact, it was even earlier than that. But my recent discovery that has been amazing is a serum for your body! Yes! Your body can have more than just a moisturizer. I use – Necessaire, The Body Serum underneath my moisturizer and it locks in the hydration. I never actually thought to do anything more than moisturize but here I am 35 and trying it all! Haha.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              My Skincare Routine with Kate Mac
  7. Lip balms – Ok I’m not just talking about your regular vasaline or paw paw cream (which will still make a difference don’t get me wrong!) I recently invested in a Hyaluronic acid lip booster! For the first time in my life, I started to notice fine lines around my lips and they can really age you before your time. I’ve used lip balms sporadically over the years and waking up with dry lips never seemed to bother me until now. My last step every night (I keep this by my bed) is applying my PCA SKIN lip booster. It’s insanely long-lasting and hydrating and I wake feeling like I just put it on. I didn’t realise the difference this made and wish I started using this much earlier in life. One of my biggest recommendations – keep your lip balm and hand cream next to your bed and apply it right before you go to sleep. (Also buy some regular, less costly hydrating lip balms and keep one in your handbag and one in the car so you can reapply when you remember!)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                My Skincare Routine with Kate Mac

I know what you are thinking – who has time for this? It sounds like a lot but if you just line up your products in order or application and commit to putting those on every day the difference it will make will be amazing. I’m a working, pregnant mum with a toddler and rarely get into a skin appointment these days so giving myself the 5-10 minutes a night for this routine is my treat. The key points I get from every expert are this:

  1. Cleanse daily (morning & night) and it doesn’t need to be a fancy one.
  2. If you are going to spend money spend it on the serums first. They are the liquid gold of a skin routine and the ones that require some expert advice. Treat yourself to a salon treatment and consultation and get the recommendations for your type of skin.
  3. Moisturize day and night with a trusted brand. Moisture is moisture – even the most basic of moisturizers is more beneficial than nothing.
  4. Don’t over exfoliate and avoid makeup remover wipes as both can strip your skin.
  5. Sunscreen everyday as your last step before applying make-up is vital for anti-aging! Little hint – if you need to reapply and don’t want to ruin your make up there are powdered mineral based sunscreens you can buy that you can actually put over your makeup without having to take it all off.
  6. Don’t forget the rest of your body!


I can’t run away from the aging process and I’m learning to embrace the little lines appearing but with a regular skin routine, you can still glow, feel refreshed have a radiance about you even as you age. A lot of people have made comment on my skin recently and refer to it as my ‘pregnancy glow’ but I can assure you, this pregnancy has been far from glowy haha but that’s a whole different conversation. I put it down to my consistent skin routine. These are simply my recommendations – keep it simple, get as much sleep as you can, drink lots of water and try to have a healthy, balanced diet. It’s literally what every health expert recommends and there’s a reason for it. Products can only do so much – the biggest thing I’ll say is to remember to nourish from within too – it’s not rocket science, just common sense 🙂


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